I get a kick out of the shit you write. You're sooo sick! Confession: I've read a few articles in a Medium publication that's supposed to be about humor. None even made me crack a smile. You, on the other hand, make me laugh out loud.
Ok! Done kissing your ass. When I feel like they won't be offended, I ask women what kind of porn they like to watch - reasoning that an honest answer will give me some insight into who they really are. One girl told me she liked to watch threesomes at double speed. Suddenly, her urgent pleadings "faster, faster" as she approached orgasm with me made perfect sense.
Another girl of German descent answered the same question like this: "I like to watch young guys with old ladies." From that, I deduced she has a cougar fantasy. (The woman was approaching 50 but still looking good. But for how much longer?)
So I did a search for her and guess what I found! Virtually all young stud/old lady porn is made in Germany! Apparently, it's a German fetish.
My point is that discovering what type of porn somebody watches provides an excellent insight into who they are.
Now go have a good roll with the Funbeam Screwmaster...and tell me how it works out!